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Avondale, Auckland
Te Atatu, Auckland
Located in the community centre in the heart of the Te Atatu peninsula, we are a short trip from the motorway connecting wider West Auckland.
Whanganui, Manawatu
The club services all suburbs of Wanganui as well as the wider district from Patea, Waverley, Turakina, Whangaehu and Marton.
Whitby, Wellington
Whitby, Wellington
We train in the Tairangi School hall, the venue offers plenty of off street parking, heating for winter and loads space to train, including outdoor areas for when we want to mix things up!
Johnsonville, Wellington
Johnsonville, Wellington
Johnsonville NPC provides training across our 3 age groups: PeeWee (4-6yrs), Children (7-12yrs), & Teen/Adult (13yrs+).
Newtown, Wellington
Newtown, Wellington
The Venue offers a large training area and outdoor area. The club services from Newtown, Brooklyn, Wellington Central, Kelburn, Kilbirnie, Berhampore, Island Bay and Lyall Bay.